I don't have any photos again, but I had about 3 or 4 yards of nubby woven fabric, that I hear, is very hard to sew with. Well I had several yards of it and as I unfolded it and let the fabric fall around me I thought that it would make a very nice blanket. So, I made 20 feet of patchwork bias binding and sewed most of it on. The fabric I used is very shabby chic. Natural muslin, a cream fabric with tiny roses and a whiter cream fabric with tiny bright blue flowers. Its an interesting contrast with the black fabric but I really like how it came out. I promise to take pics when its done and my computer is fixed.
The 2nd project I made today was a dishcloth apron. I really need one in the kitchen because while I cook, I was my hands and always wipe them on my pants. I cant help it. So I cut one of Pumpkin's old baby blankets in half and sewed on 2 in red bias binding with a Velcro closure. The apron fabric was baby jungle animals in primary colors. It looks really cute and useful. I think I am going to get a lot of use out of it.
I have been looking at a box full of scraps and contemplating some cuff bracelets. I think some of the teens I know might like them.
I also made a new pillow the other day. Its a red and cream paisley with a red wine colored backing. Its beautiful!
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