So I forgave my sewing machine. It really wasn't at fault for my lack of mental acuity yesterday. That was likely caused by a lack of tea. The needle was my fault too. Sewing through too many layers, with a needle that was made for finer fabric, and it was old and probably pretty dull. It was asking to be broken. I am just happy it got caught in the fabric and didn't fall into my machine.
What I really hated was being defeated by a pillow when I know I can sew way more complicated things. Its like having my grammar corrected by a Kindergartner. Of course that has happened too...
Anyway, enough about my defective sewing brain. We are just entering my favorite time of year! The garden is bursting at the seams. If you look over at the column to your left you will see what has been brought in so far. Yesterday we were at almost 14 pounds harvested. Today my harvest brought that up to 17.76 pounds! All organic. Organic tomatoes at my local farmers market are selling for about $2-$3 a pound. There is so much starting to turn red that I am starting to worry about eating it all. Tom said that this might be the year I learn to can tomatoes. Why yes Tom, that is a great idea! Just remember that it was your idea when I need to buy the canning equipment okay!
My largest tomato so far was 1 3/4 pounds! It was delicious! We turned it into a cold tomato sauce called Checca Sauce which ended up on everything from pasta to tuna steaks.
Many more tomatoes have been eaten on sandwiches like this one.
It is a simple turkey & ham with mayo, mustard, sliced mozzarella dipped in herb oil, lettuce, and of course a Cherokee purple tomato.
I even harvested this little knit tomato. Must have been left by a knitting fairy. Wink Wink.
There are two humongous tomatoes that will be ready in a day or so. They are destined to demolish my current heavyweight record. Any ideas on how I should eat those?