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September 08, 2010


Tanya B.

This is a VERY NICE pick for September!!

Mari @ Choochmagooz

Hi Melissa,
I'm so glad I found this Sew Along as it is my new favorite book. Sadly I'm well late to the party but look forward to catching up! You've also chosen such a lovely prize. I've worked on 3 projects for Craft Hope and love the community of Global crafters!
Thx for sharing.

Mari @ Choochmagooz

Oops...forgot to mention the direct link to my Apron and pants!


Happy Sewing everyone.



Here's my link for the description of Apron + Pants. :-)


Phew. Nothing like finishing on the last day! Can't seem to get the link approved, but in any case the photos are uploaded to the flickr group. Can't wait to see what we're doing next month!

***Melissa's Edit*** Here is the link for you!


i'm not taking part this month, but i enjoy seeing what everyone else sewed...

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