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September 02, 2010



This is the best dress-up dress! What a great idea. And the easier it is to get on and off, the better, at least if your daughter requires as many costume changes as mine does :)


This is interesting about the facing gap. I thought that the gaps I've had in this dress & sundress were because of my older girl, who's on the edge of the sizing. But, you are probably not sewing a 7 for the same-sized princess....hmmmmm....

Well, either way - your solution is great. I wouldn't have thought of that myself, and yet I have a nearly-full packet of hook & eye clasps just like you. ;-)

Melissa Howard

It looks adorable and isn't it a pleasure to please your little girl?


oh, this...is, just about as sweet as it gets. beautiful work!!

Louisa Crompton

This is just beautiful!!! your little girl is so pretty aswell :) your blog makes a lovely read, I can't wait to read more :)


I think the embroidery is perfect. At first I thought it was hand sewn because it was so neat and straight. Mine would have looked like a maze I think. It's a gorgeous dress.

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