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September 29, 2010


Karin van D.

Oh my, fangs and bats? :-)

Maybe you could make a purple cape for her? A necklace with a fake fang on it? Some long gloves? Or a dress with a pointy standing collar? Somehow that speaks pretty 'vamire-y' to me :-)


Eep, I'm so *not* creative about costumes; not a Halloween person at all. But I *love* that your daughter has such a clear idea of her costume and that it's such a COOL idea!! I googled "vampire princess" and a ton of images came up - maybe you could find some ideas that way that could be incorporated into your daughter's design, if you haven't already.


Again, I love-love-love the juxtaposition here: those heart-shaped clips in the hair, with the blood-drenched fangs. :-) ha ha ha! I second what your friend Glenda said above -- brilliant that she has such a very clear idea about her costume, and that she wants creative control over the project.

I think you have a client... :-)


You all have great projects this month! I love this sew a long :)

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