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September 24, 2010


Karin van D.

Oh yumm, that looks delicious. I didn't even have breakfast yet, but this looks like something that would be perfect for that ;-)


Gee whiz, Melissa -- no wonder you have a love affair with tomatoes, for those are GORGEOUS. My tomato plant has squeezed out two red ones mixed in with all those greens. I had thought about blogging about it, but after seeing your ruby-reds, I'm not so sure.



You have to post them! They are an accomplishment too! I used to kill EVERYTHING that I tried to grow. My entire life I have had a black thumb. I think the only reason I can grow here is this ideal environment. I think anything can grow here. I grew up in a desert where cacti have trouble surviving!

Anyway, you should post them. That way in a few years when you are harvesting lots of tomatoes you can look back at where you started. Looking back through my blog really reminds me of what I have accomplished. Besides I want to see them!

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