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November 27, 2010



Wow....your list makes mine look very small. Which, incidentally also gives it the appearance of being completely attainable, by my standards. :-) ha ha ha! I'll never get it all done, (I never do) but I wouldn't be surprised to read that you make a big dent in that list you just typed out.

Speaking of WHICH -- thank you for those links. I'm in my yearly mourning for Handmade Holidays coming to a close -- you've given me a nice list of places to distract myself when Dec. 1 rolls in and the Sew Mama Sew people wrap up HHH for this year.

Plus, I can fantasize about making my list LONGER. :-) But, for right now, I know for sure, for sure THIS year I want to finally make the doorway puppet theater out of Amy Karol's Bend The Rules Sewing book. I also want to sew some burlap bags to replace the paper Advent Calendar bags we've been using for about 7 years. It would be very nice if I could knit at least one hat, or scarf for my middle child.....then, some kind of teacher gifts x 7.....and I should *probably* think about this month's dress in the Carefree Sewalong; (and then sew it, of course. )


I've found the fabric, so that's a good start!

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