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November 03, 2010



Congratulations Mari! I loved that coat and scarf! I was just getting ready to post mine when I saw this post. For some reason I had 8 p.m. today in mind as the deadline? Anyway, Mari's beautiful coat/scarf really inspired me to get busy on mine (at the last minute, of course!), so thank you Mari!

Mari @ Choochmagooz

Thank you Melissa,
I can't tell you how excited I am about this months book prize. I just had a peek inside via amazon and am really looking forward to getting into another sewing frenzy.

All of the entries were amazing so thank goodness to random numbers!
Can't wait to see what's next!

Tanya B.

This was an exciting month....and I'm so happy that new-to-the-group Mari won!! There was an intense amount of work that went into those details. She's an artist.

I want more explanation on that scarf, though. Can you hold her prize until she writes a detailed post?

ha ha ha! Just kidding... ;-)

Maria Aparecida Alves

Dear Melissa,

I am from Brazil and I lived in the USA for 8 years. All those pictures, food, comments make me feel so connected to your culture which I really appreciate.
Thank you for such a beautiful spirit and such a beautiful idea. I will keep on following your stories. Very very nice.

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