Sitting on the couch this morning with a cup of tea I thought about all that happened this year. For us 2010 has been a year of beginnings. Starting with Tom's new job, then we moved to a new city. I finally started a food blog, a photo business on the side and my little one has started Kindergarten. We have paid off some nagging debts, got another car, grew 100 pounds of food in our little backyard. We have been blessed this year!
Looking forward to 2011... I have no clue what to expect. I feel like I am looking into a fog which has happily settled itself over my plans for the future obscuring them from my vision. There are many things I would like to do this year, but the timing is not right. Those dreams must wait a little longer. For now I am going to take this as a sign that 2011 is a blank slate that I can color in as I wish. It's in my hands.
One thing I know for sure, 2011 will be a good year. We will get through our rough patches with love, we will celebrate our happy times together and I will be here on my blog next Dec 31st wondering what craziness 2012 will bring.
Happy New Year To You All!
This is such a happy way to end one year and move forward into another...I should follow your example. My head is still spinning from the holiday rush. ;-)
Posted by: Tanya | January 01, 2011 at 10:55 AM
At first I felt uneasy about not having any concrete plans, but I figure it cant hurt to have a positive attitude!
Posted by: Melissa | January 01, 2011 at 03:01 PM