Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone! I have been gardening and cooking in secret, late at night, when the child is snuggled into bed. So far I haven't gotten caught and I am getting a lot of food stored up. Here is what I have so far.
One night I was trying to figure out how to make broccoli. My searches on the internet turned up nothing so I sat down with some green felt and began to play. I was floored when I figured it out. SOOOOO EASY!!! Seriously, you can make a broccoli floret in 5 minutes and here is how.
- small amount of green felt
- scissors
- needle and green embroidery thread
1. Cut a rectangle out of green felt. Mine was about 6x9 inches. It doesn't have to be exact.
2. Fold in half lengthwise.
3. Make small cuts (about halfway) all the way down the folded side. You can see all the cuts in the below picture. My cuts are about 1/2 inch wide, but again size is not important. Just do what looks good to you.
4. Start to roll tightly from one side all the way until the whole thing is rolled up.
5. The end will have a little bit of fabric sticking out so tuck that under the top piece of felt. (below photo)
6. Fold over so its covered.
7. Sew up the seam with green embroidery thread.
8. Now make 3 more and enjoy with butter!
Brilliant. I think you are brilliant.
Wow! Even better that you shared the tutorial. Thank you for that -- you will be COPIED from over here, and some felt food will be given to a German two-year old in 20 days. :-)
Posted by: Tanya B. | December 04, 2010 at 10:24 AM
I just saw these featured on One Pretty Thing and had to drop by and say how much I love them and appreciate the tutorial.
Posted by: KJ@letsgoflyakite | December 19, 2010 at 01:55 PM
Meep! I saw these on One Pretty Thing with uncannily good timing. I was JUST wondering how to make "broc-a-trees"... And there they were. It's like the internets knew!
Crazy aside, thank you SO MUCH for this, I made brocs and cauliflowers this naptime and I LOVE them. (I used pinking shears on the cuts and that works too!)
Posted by: Erin | December 20, 2010 at 01:38 PM
Thanks! I was having a hard time deciding how to make broccoli and your solution was so easy! I used a similar technique to make some asparagus as well.
Posted by: Maleah | December 28, 2010 at 11:43 AM