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December 02, 2010


Tanya B.

Brilliant. I think you are brilliant.

Wow! Even better that you shared the tutorial. Thank you for that -- you will be COPIED from over here, and some felt food will be given to a German two-year old in 20 days. :-)


I just saw these featured on One Pretty Thing and had to drop by and say how much I love them and appreciate the tutorial.


Meep! I saw these on One Pretty Thing with uncannily good timing. I was JUST wondering how to make "broc-a-trees"... And there they were. It's like the internets knew!
Crazy aside, thank you SO MUCH for this, I made brocs and cauliflowers this naptime and I LOVE them. (I used pinking shears on the cuts and that works too!)


Thanks! I was having a hard time deciding how to make broccoli and your solution was so easy! I used a similar technique to make some asparagus as well.

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